Friday, February 5, 2010

My Grandmother...

I recently became a member of the The EtsyBloggers Team, which led me to the very quaint Etsy shop known as Nico Designs.  I was browsing the items for sale, and found myself drawn to the Be Mine Love Bird Pincushion in her shop.

After looking at it for a while, I realized that it reminded my of my Grandmother.  She used to looooovve to sew!  She was an amazing quilter and crafter.  In fact, she was "crafting" long before crafting was cool!  I only wish I had been more attentive to her skills while I was growing up.  Unfortunately, she passed away last year.  However, our family is blessed to have such personal reminders of her time with us.  :)

Here's a picture of my Grandma on her last Birthday!  She was a February baby, so I think this little Love Bird Pincushion is perfect for the woman that loved to sew.


  1. Cute pincushion! (Would you really stick pins in it?!) What a great memory of your grandmother!

  2. No, I don't think I could actually stick pins in that cute little cushion!


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Dayton, OH, United States
Hi there! I am 34 years old and the proud co-owner of Starwick Candles. My friend, Jen, and I started our business in January 2008--it was our dream to escape the corporate world! I am excited to share my experience in starting & managing a small business with fellow crafters.